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Macro-Evolution is FALSE – M.I.L.C.

  • Macro-Evolution has no empirical proof

  • Irreducible Complexity

  • Genetic Limits – No new genetic Information

  • Cyclical Change

  • Macro-Evolution-The belief that all life forms have descended from a common ancestor by natural selection
  • Genetic Limits– There are built in limits to change within types. In other words, even when scientists intelligently manipulate creatures with an end in mind—which is the antithesis of the blind Darwinian process—macroevolution still doesn’t work!
  • Cyclical ChangeThe changes are not directional toward the development of new life forms, but the shift back and forth within a limited range. (Darwin’s finches)
  • Irreducible Complexity – An irreducibly complex system is “composed of several well-matched, interacting parts
    that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively
    cease functioning.”

Evolution Videos: Pro-Theistic 


  • Genetic Limits
    • Genetic Limits

    • Watch Video

  • Irreducible Complexity
    • Irreducible Complexity

    • Watch Video

  • Cyclical Change
    • Cyclical Change

    • Watch Video

  • Deny Macro-Evolution
    • Deny Macro-Evolution

    • Watch Video


Take Every Thought Captive . . .

2 Cor.10:5

Macro-Evolution is TRUE – R.A.G.E.

  • Fossil Record

  • DNA Evidence – 96% Similar to Chimps

  • God of the Gaps

  • Evolution is based on science not faith

  • Science not Faith – We believe in Science as the primary source of truth and faith becomes a destructive force working against science
  • God of the Gaps – Any time there is a lack of knowledge or Gap in the knowledge itself, Theists posit God as an answer when it is more intellectually honest to just say “we don’t know.”
  • Fossil Record -A term used by paleontologists to refer to the total number of fossils that have been discovered, as well as to the information derived from them.
  • DNA Evidence – aka Homology which would be defined as the existence of shared ancestry between a pair of structures, or genes, in different species.

Evolution Videos: Atheistic/Naturalism


  • Evidence of Evolution From Fossil Record
    • Evidence of Evolution From Fossil Record

    • Watch Video

  • DNA Evidence
    • DNA Evidence

    • Watch Video

  • Genetic Limits
    • Genetic Limits

    • Watch Video

  • Against Irreducible Complexity
    • Against Irreducible Complexity

    • Watch Video

  • Cyclical Change
    • Cyclical Change

    • Watch Video

  • Macro-Evolution
    • Macro-Evolution

    • Watch Video