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The Resurrection- TRUE

  • Execution

  • Empty Tomb & Jerusalem Factor

  • Enemy Attestation

  • Early Eyewitnesses (Saul to Paul)

  • Execution The Death of Jesus is considered to be Historical Fact. ( Must show death before you can show resurrection)
  • Empty Tomb and Jerusalem Factor– If your going to proclaim the tomb was empty when people could walk over to it (in Jerusalem) you better believe that tomb was empty. The resurrection was  proclaimed in Jerusalem where people could easily verifiy the empty tomb.
  • Enemy AttestationPaul was an enemy of the Christian faith. Jesus appeared to him after his resurrection changing him into a follower.
  • Early Eyewitnesses Paul was an enemy of the Christian faith. Jesus appeared to him after his resurrection changing him into a follower.

Resurrection Videos: Theistic Side


  • The Empty Tomb
    • The Empty Tomb

    • Watch Video

  • 4 Facts to Show the Resurrection is not Fiction
    • 4 Facts to Show the Resurrection is not Fiction

    • Watch Video

  • Resurrection - The Jerusalem Factor
    • Resurrection - The Jerusalem Factor

    • Watch Video

  • Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?
    • Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?

    • Watch Video


Take Every Thought Captive . . .

2 Cor.10:5

The Resurrection – False

  • Disciples Stole the Body

  • Disciples Hallucinated

  • Swoon Theory

  • Spiritual Resurrection

  • Disciples Stole the Body – We believe in Science as the primary source of truth and faith becomes a destructive force working against science
  • Disciples Hallucinated – Any time there is a lack of knowledge or Gap in the knowledge itself, Theists posit God as an answer when it is more intellectually honest to just say “we don’t know.”
  • Swoon Theory -A term used by paleontologists to refer to the total number of fossils that have been discovered, as well as to the information derived from them.
  • Spiritual Resurrection– aka Homology which would be defined as the existence of shared ancestry between a pair of structures, or genes, in different species.

Resurrection Videos: Against


  • Stole the Body
    • Stole the Body

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  • Swoon Theory
    • Swoon Theory

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  • Hallucination & Other rebuttals
    • Hallucination & Other rebuttals

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