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The Origin of the Universe is God

  • Philosophical Evidence

  • Law of Causality

  • Scientific/Empirical Evidence – Big Bang

  • S.U.R.G.E.

  • Philosophical Evidence – Evidence which is philosophical in nature where philosophical would be defined as relating or devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. (Out of nothing, nothing comes.)
  • The Law of Causality – Everything happens for a reason. All actions have consequences and produce specific results, as do all inactions. Therefore everything that began to exist has a cause. (Every effect has a cause.)
  • Scientific/Empirical Evidence – is information acquired by observation or experimentation. This data is recorded and analyzed by scientists and is a central process as part of the scientific method


  • SSecond Law of Thermodynamics: Based on scientific evidence, which holds to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, the universe is slowly running out of usable energy. If the universe had been here forever, it would have run out of usable energy by now. If you filled your car up with a full tank of gas and started it an eternity ago, would it still be running? No – that finite amount of gas/energy would have run out already! The same is true of the universe. It’s called entropy – as we continue to lose energy, we move toward disrepair, disorder – things break down over time (paint house). (I.E. Nature will take a house and turn it into a pile of bricks, but it will never take a pile of bricks and turn it into a house – disrepair.) The law of entropy is good – it’s why car mechanics have jobs! The 2nd law of T, points us to a universe that has a definite beginning. This has been confirmed by a series of remarkable scientific        discoveries.
  • UThe Universe is Expanding: This has been observed by the Hubble telescope that discovered the red shift in light as the universe grows – doppler effect. It also observes that planets are getting farther and farther away from each other.
  • RRadiation Afterglow: In 1965, scientists Arno Penzias & Robert Wilson discovered the radiation afterglow (cosmic background radiation) of the Big Bang, something they won a Nobel Peace prize for. This afterglow is actually light and heat from the initial explosion (like the glow you see when you turn a TV off). When the discovery was confirmed, it laid to rest any lingering suggestion that the universe is in an eternal steady state. Agnostic astronomer Robert Jastrow put it this way: the radiation discovered by Penzias and Wilson has exactly the pattern of wavelengths expected for the light and heat produced in a great explosion. Supporters of the steady state theory have tried desperately to find an alternative explanation, but they have failed. At the present time, the Big Bang theory has no competitors.13
  • GGalaxy Seeds: If the Big Bang actually occurred, scientists believed that we should see slight variations or ripples in the temperature of the cosmic background radiation that Arno Penzias had discovered. In 1989, NASA launched the $200 million dollar satellite called COBE for Cosmic Background Explorer. COBE not only found the ripples, but scientists were amazed at their precision. The ripples show that the explosion and expansion of the universe was precisely tweaked to cause just enough matter to congregate to allow galaxy formation, but not enough to cause the universe to collapse back on itself. Any slight variation one way or the other, and none of us would be here to tell about it. In fact, the ripples are so exact (down to one part in one hundred thousand) that when the project leader, George Smoot, announced COBE’s findings in 1992, he was quoted as saying, “If you’re religious, it’s like looking at God.”
  • EEinsteins Theory of Relativity: The theory itself, which has been verified to five decimal places, demands an absolute beginning for time, space, and matter. It shows that time, space, and matter are co-relative. That is, they are interdependent—you can’t have one without the others.

Universe – Origin Videos: Theistic Side


  • S.U.R.G.E.  Why the Cosmological Argument Works
    • S.U.R.G.E. Why the Cosmological Argument Works

    • Watch Video

  • The Law of Causality
    • The Law of Causality

    • Watch Video

  • The Cosmological Argument - RZIM
    • The Cosmological Argument - RZIM

    • Watch Video

  • The Cosmological Argument - WLC
    • The Cosmological Argument - WLC

    • Watch Video


Take Every Thought Captive . . .

2 Cor.10:5

The Origin of the Universe without God

  • God of the Gaps

  • Quantum Physics

  • Multiverse Theory

  • Who Created God

  • God of the Gaps – Any time there is a lack of knowlege or Gap in the knowledge itself, Theists posit God as an answer when it is more intellectually honest to jus say “we don’t know.”
  • Quantum Physics – is the science of the very small: the body of scientific principles that explains the behaviour of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.
  • Multiverse Theory – The multiverse is a theory in which our universe is not the only one, but states that many universes exist parallel to each other.
  • Who Created God?– If everything that exists has a cause then it would be natural to think that God himself has an origin, otherwise you cannot say that everything that exists must have a cause. So to say that God is eternal becomes special pleading.

Origin of the Universe Videos: Atheistic/Naturalism


  • Quantum Mechanics - Something from Nothing
    • Quantum Mechanics - Something from Nothing

    • Watch Video

  • The Multiverse
    • The Multiverse

    • Watch Video

  • God of the Gaps
    • God of the Gaps

    • Watch Video

  • Who Made God? Infinite Regress
    • Who Made God? Infinite Regress

    • Watch Video

  • The Law of Causality
    • The Law of Causality

    • Watch Video

  • The Cosmological Argument Debunked
    • The Cosmological Argument Debunked

    • Watch Video